We make safety our priority.
It is our company philosophy to provide our employees with the safest possible work environment, an environment free of known and potential hazards.
Our employees deserve the right to return home to their families in the same shape they left for work that morning.

Safety & Risk Management Director
We have a full-time safety director on staff with over 20 years in construction safety management. He is an authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer.
Our safety committee is state certified and is a key part of our safety program. The committee meets monthly and is dedicated to resolving all issues presented to them. The committee also oversees the awards program, which is based on hours worked without a lost time accident. Employees are rewarded when they reach set milestones, with some employees having worked over 25,000 hours without an accident or injury. A specific program for supervisors has been in place since 1995 and encourages and rewards supervisors for their participation in safety.
Our supervisors conduct weekly “tool box” talks with their teams, which revolve around specific safety subjects. Weekly job-site safety inspections are also performed by our supervisors. Our safety director and superintendents also perform regular safety inspections of all sites.
All new employees go through safety training during their orientation. Each year every employee attends “Safety Day” at our office with guest speakers and demonstrations on various safety topics.
Every year, we invest thousands of dollars in our employees. The management team is strongly encouraged to attend at least one professional development and one technical seminar every year. We send representatives to national trade shows, to stay current on the methods and the technology.
The field supervisors go to at least one outside seminar every year, plus have the opportunity to attend any of the in-house seminars we offer.
In addition to the mandatory training, like first aid or forklift training, we have many sessions open to all employees. In a typical year, we might have transit training, a flatwork concrete class, construction calculations and blueprint reading classes.