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3000 Point Township Drive Northumberland Pa 17857

GE Inspection Technologies

Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa

Zartman Construction added a 54,248 square foot addition on to the existing facility for a Customer Solution Center and a Testing and Machine Building.

The Zartman team works on the GE Inspection Technologies building.

The project utilizes both tilt-up construction and metal building construction.

It won the 2013 Building of the Year in the Specialty Division from the Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association. And it was nominated as a finalist for the Con-Steel 2013 Building of the Year.

The new addition built by Zartman Construction is used for the production of machinery testing equipment and training workers on how to solve their testing needs on manufactured items without the need for destructive testing methods.

The Zartman team works on the GE Inspection Technologies building.

The facility also includes a wide open area for customer observations of the systems at work.

The building services a global clientele with their testing needs.

Three large overhead crane systems were also installed in the production area.